Students off to St. Louis for robotic world championship

A team of St. Mary's students are pitting their robotagainst some of the world's top competitors this week.   For this year's FIRST Robotics world championship, being held in St.…

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St. Mary robotics team competing at World Championships

The St. Mary Catholic Secondary School robotics team is competing against the best in the World – at the FIRST World Championships in St. Louis, MO.   The team, made…

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Technology: The Ford Moment for Windsor-Essex Youth

One-hundred-and-ten years ago, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company of Canada in Windsor, Ontario.  In time, other companies, such as Chryslter and General Motors followed, which accelerated the conversion…

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Alpha Dogs test robotic skills

Seventeen-year-old Jeremy Sant forgot what it was like to relax at home after school.   “I honestly didn’t know how it felt to go home after school and not just…

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Robotics competition starts Friday

Mackenzie Willis, Savannah Stringer and Kale Wallingford, members of FIRST Team 1305 from North Bay, practice in the FIRST Robotics Canada North Bay Regional Competition Thursday afternoon at the Nipissing's…

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FIRST’s Youth Protection Plan

US FIRST enhanced their Youth Protection Program   Find out what FIRST is doing to help keep FIRST participants safe.  Check back often for additional training and announcements and take a look at this page for more information on  FIRST's…

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Canadian FLL International Open Championship

Check out the official Canadian FLL International Open website for event information and learn how you can be a part of the fun and volunteer!   FLL Ontario is so excited…

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Robots Take Over Durham College And UOIT

Some of the brightest high school engineering minds from North America are competing at UOIT and Durham College’s international robotics competition.  Studio 12′s Rita Nave has more on the “mechanical”…

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Students building skills by building with Legos

Nobody told young Lego builders at Ryerson Heights School they were learning construction, design and teamwork skills over the past six weeks.   The kids just thought they were having…

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