Our Core Values

Core values Fun, Innovation, Discovery, Inclusion, Teamwork, Impact

The FIRST Core Values are the cornerstones of the program. They are among the fundamental elements that distinguish FIRST LEGO League from other programs of its kind.

By embracing the Core Values, participants learn that friendly competition and mutual gain are not separate goals and that helping one another is the foundation of teamwork.

We express the FIRST philosophies of Gracious Professionalism and Coopertitionthrough our Core Values.

Education Plan Steps

FIRST Robotics Canada’s Education Plan is a comprehensive initiative to bolster FIRST programs’ expansion across educational institutions. Central to this vision is the facilitation of teacher mentorship and seamless integration of roboticsBlack child looking out a window, kids playing wi education into classrooms. We aim to empower mentors to supervise FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams effectively by focusing on teacher support programs, such as certifications and anti-burnout strategies. Additionally, our plan incorporates groundbreaking initiatives like the Skills Tracking system and Membership program. These innovations will offer students a digital passport, showcasing their acquired skills—a testament to their growth throughout their robotics journey. 

Our collaboration with school boards and mentor networks establishes crucial support systems, nurturing mentor engagement and team growth. Partnering with the Argosy Foundation has been pivotal in shaping robotics education, aiding initiatives like FTC SIM and team grants. Their gracious support is fundamental in making this plan happen, significantly lowering barriers, amplifying backing, and fostering key partnerships crucial for nurturing FRC communities. Together, we aim to create a sustainable, thriving ecosystem for robotics education, benefiting students, mentors, and educational institutions. An infographic highlights our program’s major integrations, demonstrating the breadth of our initiatives and collaborative efforts, including their gracious support, to advance robotics education.

Educational Inquiries Contact:
dave.ellis@firstroboticscanada.org for more details or inquiries?

Education Plan - Details

Supporting teachers and mentors in the classroom and throughout the FIRST experience will improve the willingness to participate in all FIRST Programs. 

Training for Team supervision through teacher/mentor certifications

  • FIRST Canada and College delivered training in a Robotics Learning Environment
  • Teacher Skills Certifications authorized by College Partners, FIRST Canada and local School Boards
  • Resulting in increasing availability of mentors with certifications to supervise FRC  and FTC teams

Anti-burnout Strategies  

Participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition program may be connected to burnout. Some solutions can be communicated to mentors and their main stakeholders at the school board. FIRST Canada plans to elevate awareness for mentors, so they execute their seasons with an efficient and intentional framework that significantly reduces personal time on task.

  • FIRST will support strategic workshops and collaboration activities with mentors and school boards, resulting in building strong team foundations and support mechanisms
  • Collaboratively developing and sharing out strategies for Increasing mentor numbers per team, resulting in less mentor time taxation as the pool of mentors grows.

Partnerships with companies and school board decision-makers are extremely important for the success of an FRC team. Building solid financial sponsorships is also just as important. Once teacher mentors understand how to go beyond the school and team to build these partnerships, they will be more willing to be involved as they have the necessary support.

  • FIRST Canada will deliver team workshops to nurture an understanding of how to build partnerships and increase sponsorships
  • FIRST will support sharing best practices with team mentors while developing board understanding of financial budget models to support team sustainability 

Bringing FIRST into the classroom reduces the overall time on task for teacher mentors. FIRST Canada will continue and increase its efforts to create a curriculum that will allow FIRST STEM programs to be brought into the classroom by:

  • Ongoing curriculum development supporting FIRST in the classroom
  • Curriculum Mapping for multiple subjects, resulting in two new course syllabi created annually along with multiple FIRST curricular-related unit creations to courses 
  • Partnering with subject organizations which support STEM and FIRST
  • Continuing to develop and nurture connections with the Ministry of Education

Curricular Resources

FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST Robotics Competition Curriculum Coming Soon


Image 3

Building models of delivery through families of schools allows for community and collaboration among educators. Teachers who feel sufficient support is in place are more likely to engage in FIRST programs like FRC. Most school boards in Ontario operate by the model; “families of schools ecosystem,” which intends to bring together all existing and potential new FIRST board wide teams into this family. 

School boards continue to demonstrate strong support for this model. FIRST Robotics Canada supports:

  • FRC school organized groups and recurring meetings facilitated by FIRST Canada
  • FIRST Canada facilitating a “Families of Schools” framework with school boards

Sharing best practices for top-down mentoring in school board FIRST  communities

FIRST Canada intends to build overall membership into FIRST Canada, creating a broader sense of belonging for students and teacher mentors. Furthermore, FIRST will support skills tracking of students throughout their FIRST journey. As a result, we will allocate and track certifications that contribute to a valuable digital resume for FIRST youth, along with providing “take-away evidence” for alumni as they pursue post-secondary destinations and careers, including skilled trades and apprenticeships.

This plan supports:

  • Teachers/mentors who will be offered membership to participate in skills development activities on school and/or college campuses
  • Development of membership to FIRST program for teachers and students 
  • Student membership through participation skills tracking and certifications
  • Career Skills Resume takeaway for alumni
  • Numerous workshops for Teacher College Faculty programs

Passport to Success

The FIRST experience provides valuable learning and skills acquisition. Students become alumni and will benefit from taking away strong skills and evidence via electronic documentation that they can leverage going forward. FIRST Canada will evolve a list of skilled alumni to build their volunteer pools, allowing for the growth of FIRST events. FIRST Canada plans to develop its own FIRST Skills Passport for students.

FIRST will support:

  • Process development to track skills acquired through FIRST program involvement initially focused on high school FRC-level participation
  • Mapping of acquired skills relative to career pathways, including apprenticeships
  • Alignment with career planning for all post-secondary destinations

FIRST Certifications

Teachers and students will participate in activities that may award them certifications. Certifications are valuable for students in the future, and teacher capacity will be increased through various training and certifications. It will be beneficial to leverage the FTC and FRC programs to provide in-class certifications within key embedded Ministry of Education-approved course curricular certifications.

FIRST program participation will provide opportunities for:

  • Micro certifications, including increased breadth of the FIRST Badge program
  • Certifications gained through mandated training and certifications requirements for embedded school programs such as the Special High Skills Major programs (e.g. SPE certification for coding through the FTC SIM)
  • Teacher Training in partnership between school boards, colleges, and FIRST Canada offers significantly increased teacher mentor availability to supervise by upskilling opportunities. Colleges have partnered in a similar experience, bridging the knowledge gap between teachers and school boards to elevate teacher familiarity with equipment and learning space.

FIRST  is working to elevate the value proposition for alumni. 

We feel that we can increase support for our alumni and improve their job readiness through a variety of methods:

  • Resume of acquired skills through FIRST  program experiences and participation
  • Mapping identifying career choices suitable to the desire of students
  • Industry guest speaker series exposure within the classrooms supporting FIRST programs
  • Alignment to Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program criteria to better position students for potential advanced placement 
  •  Connecting and preparing FIRST students/alumni for advanced placement in school programs such as Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, Co-operative, Post-secondary Destinations, Career Pathways

Increasing rookie support results in ease of entry into the FRC mentor role. We believe unique support can make it easier to attend competitions through release days off teaching and provide rookies early participation through off-season events. Placing FIRST HQ-supported mini XRP robots into the hands of rookies at the point of registration promotes growth in the FRC program.

Rookie Team Support 

FIRST supports rookies by:

  • Elevating the desire to participate through more competition experiences; offering  rookie teams free spots in Offseason FRC events
  • Potential Teacher release time to attend qualifying competitions 
  • Loaning a robot to provide the rookie team with a robot to participate in an Offseason event
  • XRP robot distribution and training – mini robot based on Java coding to develop early exposure and skill development for new teams well before the FRC season. Teams will get 2 XRP mini robots to get started

Plan Details

Training for Team supervision through teacher/mentor certifications

  • FIRST Canada and College delivered training in a Robotics Learning Environment
  • Teacher Skills Certifications authorized by College Partners, FIRST Canada and local School Boards
  • Resulting in increasing availability of mentors with certifications to supervise FRC teams

Anti-burnout Strategies  

Participation in the FRC program may be connected to burnout. Some solutions can be communicated to mentors and their main stakeholders at the school board. FIRST Canada plans to elevate awareness for mentors so they execute their FRC seasons with an efficient and intentional framework that significantly reduces personal time on task.

  • FIRST will support strategic workshops and collaboration activities with mentors and school boards resulting in building strong team foundations and support mechanisms
  • Collaboratively developing and sharing out strategies for Increasing mentor numbers per team, resulting in less mentor time taxation as the pool of mentors grows

Building Partnerships and Successful Sponsorship Recruitment Strategies              

Partnerships with companies and school board decision makers are extremely important in the success of an FRC team. Building strong financial sponsorships are also just as important. Once teacher mentors understand how to go beyond the school and team to build these partnerships, they will be more willing to be involved as they have the necessary support in place.

  • FIRST Canada will deliver team workshops to nurture understanding of how to build partnerships and increase sponsorships
  • FIRST will support sharing best practices with team mentors while developing board understanding of financial budget models to support team sustainability

Curriculum Alignment

Bringing FRC into the classroom reduces the overall time on task for teacher mentors. FIRST Canada will continue and increase its efforts to create a curriculum that will allow FRC to be brought into the classroom by:

  • Ongoing curriculum development supporting bringing FRC into the classroom
  • Curriculum Mapping for multiple subjects, resulting in two new course syllabi created annually along with multiple FRC-related unit creations to courses 
  • Partnering with subject organizations which support STEM and FIRST
  • Continuing to develop and nurture connections with the Ministry of Education

Membership & Skils Tracking

FIRST Robotics Canada intends to build overall membership into FIRST Canada, thereby creating a broader sense of belonging for students and teacher mentors. Furthermore, FIRST will support skills tracking of students throughout their FIRST journey. As a result, we will allocate and track certifications contributing to a valuable digital resume for FIRST youth along with providing “take- away evidence” for alumni as they pursue post-secondary destinations and careers, including the skilled trades and apprenticeships. This plan supports:

  • Teacher & mentors who will be offered membership to participate in skills development activities on school and/or college campuses
  • Development of membership to FIRST program for teachers and students 
  • Student membership through participation and skills tracking and certifications
  • Career Skills Resume takeaway for alumni
  • Numerous workshops for Teacher College Faculty programs

Building FIRST Robotics Competition Communities by Teams and School Boards Geographically

Building models of delivery through families of schools allows for community and collaboration among educators. Teachers who feel there is sufficient support in place are more likely to engage in FRC. Most school boards in Ontario operate by the model; “families of schools ecosystem,” which intends to bring together all existing and potential new FRC teams into this family. 

School boards continue to demonstrate strong support for this model. FIRST Robotics Canada supports:

  • FRC school organized groups and recurring meetings facilitated by FIRST Canada
  • FIRST Canada facilitating a “Families of Schools” framework with school boards
  • Sharing best practices for top-down mentoring in school board FRC communities

Membership & Skills Tracking

FIRST Robotics Canada intends to build overall membership into FIRST Canada, thereby creating a broader sense of belonging for students and teacher mentors. Furthermore, FIRST will support skills tracking of students throughout their FIRST journey. As a result, we will allocate and track certifications contributing to a valuable digital resume for FIRST youth along with providing “take- away evidence” for alumni as they pursue post-secondary destinations and careers, including the skilled trades and apprenticeships. This plan supports:

  • Teacher & mentors who will be offered membership to participate in skills development activities on school and/or college campuses
  • Development of membership to FIRST program for teachers and students 
  • Student membership through participation and skills tracking and certifications
  • Career Skills Resume takeaway for alumni
  • Numerous workshops for Teacher College Faculty programs

Skills Passport and Certification

Passport to Success

The FIRST experience provides valuable learning and skills acquisition. Students become alumni and will benefit from  taking away strong skills evidence via electronic documentation that they can leverage going forward. FIRST Canada will evolve a list of skilled alumni to build their volunteer pools which in turn allows for growth of FRC events. FIRST Canada plans to develop its own FIRST Skills Passport for students.

FIRST will support:

  • Process development to track skills acquired through FIRST program involvement initially focused on high school  FRC level participation
  • Mapping of acquired skills relative to career pathways including apprenticeships
  • Alignment with career planning for all post-secondary destinations

FIRST Certifications

Teachers and students will participate in activities that may award them certifications. Certifications are valuable for students going forward and teacher capacity will be increased through various training and certifications. It will be beneficial to leverage the FRC program to provide in-class certifications within key embedded ministry of education approved course curricular certifications.

FIRST program participation will provide opportunities for:

  • Micro certifications, including increased breadth of the FIRST Badge program
  • Certifications gained through mandated training and certifications requirements for embedded school programs such as the Special High Skills Major programs (eg. SPE certification for coding through the FTC SIM)

Teacher Training in partnership between school boards, colleges and FIRST Canada offering significantly increased teacher mentor availability to supervise by upskilling opportunities. Colleges have partnered in a past similar experience where they bridged the knowledge gap of teachers and schools boards to elevate teacher familiarity of equipment and learning space

Alumni Career Support

Passport to Success

The FIRST experience provides valuable learning and skills acquisition. Students become alumni and will benefit from  taking away strong skills evidence via electronic documentation that they can leverage going forward. FIRST Canada will evolve a list of skilled alumni to build their volunteer pools which in turn allows for growth of FRC events. FIRST Canada plans to develop its own FIRST Skills Passport for students.

FIRST will support:

  • Process development to track skills acquired through FIRST program involvement initially focused on high school  FRC level participation
  • Mapping of acquired skills relative to career pathways including apprenticeships
  • Alignment with career planning for all post-secondary destinations

FIRST Certifications

Teachers and students will participate in activities that may award them certifications. Certifications are valuable for students going forward and teacher capacity will be increased through various training and certifications. It will be beneficial to leverage the FRC program to provide in-class certifications within key embedded ministry of education approved course curricular certifications.

FIRST program participation will provide opportunities for:

  • Micro certifications, including increased breadth of the FIRST Badge program
  • Certifications gained through mandated training and certifications requirements for embedded school programs such as the Special High Skills Major programs (eg. SPE certification for coding through the FTC SIM)

Teacher Training in partnership between school boards, colleges and FIRST Canada offering significantly increased teacher mentor availability to supervise by upskilling opportunities. Colleges have partnered in a past similar experience where they bridged the knowledge gap of teachers and schools boards to elevate teacher familiarity of equipment and learning space

Rookie Team Support

Rookie Team Support  

Increasing rookie support results in ease of entry into the FRC mentor role. We believe that unique support can make it easier to attend competitions through release days off teaching, along with providing rookies with early participation through Offseason events. Placing FIRST HQ supported mini XRP robots into the hands of rookies at the point of registration promotes growth in the FRC program

FIRST supports rookies by:

  • Elevating the desire to participate through more competition experiences; offering  rookie teams free spots in Offseason FRC events
  • Potential Teacher release time to attend qualifying competitions 
  • Loaning a robot to provide the rookie team a robot to participate in an Offseason event
  • XRP robot distribution and training – mini robot based on java coding to develop early exposure and skill development for new teams well in advance of the FRC season. Teams will get 2 XRP mini robots to get started