FIRST Canada Instructs

Free Training and LEGO® Robotics Resources

for teachers and others who work with children ages 6 to 10 in underserved communities


FIRST® is an international organization dedicated to inspiring students ages  4-18 in STEM through a family of robotics programs. FIRST Robotics Canada is providing a special grant opportunity to underserved schools and organizations in Ontario, working with students ages 6-10, to experience the  FIRST® LEGO® League Explore program.

What is FIRST LEGO League Explore? 

FIRST LEGO League Explore is designed to introduce science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts to kids ages 6 to 10 while exciting them through a brand they know and love − LEGO®.

FIRST LEGO League Explore allows the investigation of a real-world scientific problem such as food safety, recycling, energy, etc. With the help of a teacher, coach or mentor, students create a Show Me poster to introduce their team and showcase their journey of discovery. They also construct a motorized model of what they learned using LEGO elements. In the process, teams learn about teamwork, the wonders of science and technology, and the FIRST LEGO League Explore Core Values, which include respect, sharing, and critical thinking. At the close of each season, teams come together at Festivals to strut their stuff, share ideas, celebrate, and have fun!

FREE Virtual Training and Robotics Workshops

FIRST Canada is offering a FREE guided virtual workshop for educators, youth programs and community centers who work with children between the ages of 6 & 10 to navigate the FIRST LEGO League Explore program in preparation for running a School or Class Pack next fall.

The Workshops

Register Here

What you will need to participate

  1. Children must come from underserved groups as defined by FIRST.
  2. Instructors must attend a one-hour virtual coach training.
  3. Children must be new to the FIRST LEGO League Explore program.
  4. Instructors should have access to a projector and speakers to broadcast Zoom feed.
  5. Instructors must have 6 or more devices with FREE WeDo 2.0 software installed. You can download WeDo 2.0 software by clicking on this link.
  6. Instructors must commit to registering a FIRST LEGO League Explore Class Pack in fall 2021-2022 (The approximate cost is $325).

What you will Receive

  • One hour of orientation training ($120 Value )
  • Registration for one FIRST LEGO League Explore Class Pack ($625 Value )
  • 1 Team Meeting Guide, adaptable step-by-step lesson plans
  • 24 student Engineering notebooks
  • 6 LEGO Explore Sets 
  • 6 WeDo 2.0 codeable robotics LEGO set ($1650 Value)
  • First lesson led by FIRST Robotics Canada
  • On-line support for future lessons
  • A remote team Festival celebration
  • Participation LEGO medal for each student ($80 Value)
  • Fun, educational tool to inspire a future generation